Welcome to St. John's Episcopal Church
St. John’s Episcopal Church is located on John’s Island, near the Angel Oak, and serves the nearby sea islands, including John’s Island, Wadmalaw Island and the islands of Kiawah and Seabrook.
The parish was established in 1734 and the current church building is the fourth structure on the site.
The first two church buildings were destroyed during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and the third, built as a temporary structure, was replaced with the present edifice in 1955.
Like her neighbor the Angel Oak, St. John’s is firmly rooted in the soil of this earth and in the history of God’s people on these islands, but with feet planted in the present and eyes fixed toward generations yet unborn.
St. John’s Episcopal Church endeavors to provide peace, prayer, and care and serve as a place for all to gather in reverence and worship—to be changed and serve the world as our Lord’s hands and feet and mind and heart.
Plan your visit
Children: All Children are welcome and encouraged to attend any of our services
Activity Bags: Bags are located in the back of the church for children to use in the pew during the service. Please return when the service is over.
Nursery: The nursery is open on Sundays from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm in the LaRoche Building behind Guerry Hall next to the church.
Sunday School: Join us each Sunday at 9:15 am. Children meet in the LaRoche building and Adults meet in Guerry Hall.
Welcome: All are welcome to receive communion. To receive the consecrated Bread, extend your hands upwards, palms crossed. Having consumed the Bread, you may return to your seat. Gluten-free wafers are available. Please speak to a priest when you come forward for Communion. If you prefer not to receive the Sacrament, you may ask for a blessing by crossing your arms across your chest.
Help: If you need assistance at any time, our ushers are happy to help.
Handicapped Parking: Our facility is handicapped accessible with multiple handicapped parking spaces available in the lot. A handicap ramp serves the entrance of the church and church office.